Everyone has a role to play in workplace safety
A single, user-friendly app to report, manage and review important WHS data in one place, equipping your team and keeping them safe.
- Empower employees to take accountability for health and safety
- Save time and eliminate paperwork
- Improve the quality of data captured in the field
- Ensure your business is WHS compliant every day
Incident and hazard reporting
Our WHS app guides employees through the process of reporting and escalating incidents and hazards on the go in real time, with data capture tools like category tags, time/date stamps, address finder, voice recording, camera and more.
Custom safety checklists
Custom checklists make it quick and easy for employees to complete daily audits and checks, like equipment inspections, site walk-throughs and inductions. Meaning you have visibility and assurance that WHS processes and practices are being followed and risks managed.
Employee training and induction records
With individual employee profiles you can gain centralised visibility of your team’s WHS training and induction records to ensure ongoing compliance and up to date knowledge
Custom workforce surveys
Understand and measure your workplace safety culture and climate with custom surveys that your employees can complete via the app. Canvas their perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards your organisation’s WHS journey.
Central performance console
Track all WHS activities in the business via a simple, easy to use centralised dashboard. View submitted reports, take the necessary action as required and ensure you are keeping good quality records that you can produce at a moment’s notice from any internet connected browser.
Insights Centre
Assessment Reports, Benchmarking Data, and Power BI Integration.
Insights Centre
Assessment Reports, Benchmarking Data, and Power BI Integration.

The proof is in the pudding – front-line staff vetted safety software in their hands
With Safe365 being for both in the office and out in the field, we talked with Spencer Henshaw contractors about their initial experience with the Safe365 app.
Enabling workforce safety across a nationally distributed team
Edward & Hardy roofing are a country-wide business, with a need to understand their health and safety maturity despite their team spread across the country. Safe365 and Qualify365 has allowed them to not only understand where they’re doing well, but also where they can improve their maturity.
Turning actions and incidents into visible insights for leadership and the Board
Ponsonby Primary School having bought Safe365 into their ecosystem to not only protect their pupils, but also teachers and parents. With Safe365, they’ve been able to provide strong documentation for their board of trustees, as well as making everyday learning spaces safer to be a part of.

View the full range of Safe365 products
A holistic view of safety performance through multi-site data aggregation and insights.