Meet Liam Standfield, Safe365’s Director of Professional Services. Liam supports businesses to implement Safe365’s products, ensuring they get the best experience and unlock the power of our health and safety technology.
With a background in safety, Liam has seen how Safe365 can elevate the visibility and awareness of safety, especially across large and complex businesses. Starting his career in safety in opencast mining and civil construction, Liam then moved to management consulting for Deloitte New Zealand where he provided advice to some of New Zealand’s largest companies. It was at Deloitte that Liam started to use our Safe365 technology.
“Safe365 has an alliance with Deloitte New Zealand and I used the product as part of the health and safety review process with clients. The Safety Index formed part of the review methodology to measure, assess and test documentation to complete a health and safety maturity assessment and surface insights to improve.”
Now based in the United Kingdom with Safe365, Liam says he’s had the chance to work with some great organisations who are looking to innovate and elevate their safety practices, maturity and culture using our software.
“By using Safe365, organisations are able to easily understand what good health and safety practices and culture look like. We work with them to assess their operations, benchmark performance against the market, identify where opportunities for improvement lie and how they can get there. Using data aggregation, leaders are enabled to identify common themes across their entire organisation and use these insights to inform the development of strategic plans to improve and monitor progress in real time.”
Liam says he’s seen time and again how powerful Safe365 products can be when used across large and complex organisations. Some clients use 60+ profiles to assess their entire operation, enabling them to easily understand health and safety maturity at a site or business unit level.
“When used across multiple sites, Safe365 becomes a really effective governance tool to report and track progress to the executive and board as well as forming part of an organisations health and safety monitoring and assurance function.”
Liam says the UK market has been really responsive to Safe365’s suite of products and you can see the momentum building as people start to understand how our product is different from anything else that’s available in the market and how we can help them make a difference in safety.
“There are a lot of preconceptions about health and safety technology, so I love seeing the lightbulb moment when people realise the full potential of what Safe365 can offer them to help improve their safety culture.”
In regard to current market trends in the UK, Liam says there has recently been a lot more focus and awareness of health and safety, particularly around suppliers and shared duties to manage risks.
“From my conversations with businesses, there’s a real shift in their understanding about ensuring they are managing their risks appropriately and to standards that their clients expect. Our products are particularly helpful for businesses who also want to understand the maturity of their suppliers and collaborate with them to improve to see an uplift of their suppliers’ practices over time. Heathrow are using Safe365 this way and we’re starting to see the benefits being realised both with them, as well with other clients who are improving their safety culture and reducing harm everyday.”
Wellbeing is an emerging function and topic in organisations, and as a result Liam says it’s getting a lot more focus but still isn’t being managed at the level needed when compared to safety.